Everything You Need To Know About Dealing With A Water Hammer


“Water hammer” probably sounds foreign to you. Doesn’t mean your plumbing hasn’t experienced it. Water hammer sounds are quite common. It’s the thumping and pounding you hear when a faucet is turned off.

These sound begin when the water in the pipes suddenly change direction. Turning off a faucet causes a momentary change in the direction of water which builds pressure in the pipes. This can transform into a plumbing repair when the pressure is too much for the pipes to handle.

Air chamber installation

One of the most efficient solutions for water hammers is getting an air chamber installed. These prevent waves from being created in the pipes which then travel through the pipe. Air chambers are like vertical pipes in the wall cavity near water valves, where the water can be controlled. Plumbers recommend the installation of this piece at strategic locations in the plumbing of the structure.

A plumber won’t be able to determine whether the air chamber is working efficiently by just inspecting the pipes. A few steps need to be done:

  • Turn off the main water valve of the system.
  • Turn on the highest faucet of the house.
  • Drain pipes by opening the lowest valve, usually found in the basement or garden. As the water is drained out, air replaces the water, hence filling the air chambers.
  • Air pushes through the horizontal and vertical water lines but remains in the air chamber, eliminating the water hammer.

The only reason an air chamber won’t drain well is if it’s clogged. It must always be larger than the water supply line to reduce the chances of clogging. As part of water chamber maintenance, they should be cleaned. It can be done by removing the cap of the pipe and removing sediment and debris.

Pressure reducing valves


Water hammers can also be caused by high pressure alone. Water pressure regulators can keep a check on that. Pressure reducer valves can be at the main water supply of the home. This can be used as a standalone method to eliminate water hammers. Pressure reducers can prevent damage done by increased water pressure to dishwashers and toilets. Water pressure over 100psi can void warranties and cause significant damage to appliances. Normal water pressure is between 30 and 55psi, for effective pressure reduction in your pipes, it should be set to below 50psi.

Mechanical water arrestors

Mechanical water arrestors are a perfect alternative to air chambers. It is often used in situations where air chambers are considered impractical. Water arrestors are sealed units fitted with a spring and air bladder that helps absorb the pressure and direction of water. This method is popular for commercial buildings where high pressure is required. Unlike air chambers, water arrestors don’t need to be recharged. They need to be replaced once their life cycle comes to an end.

Our expert plumbers at Your 1 Plumber offer clients all such plumbing installation Palm Beach.  Fully equipped to deal with any of your plumbing and heating concerns, we provide same day service. Call 561-403-1500 to schedule an appointment.

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