5 Simple Tips for Reducing Your Water Bill


The EPA reports that the water consumption rate of an average American family is more than 300 gallons of water per day. This is expected to increase with time. Decreasing the average water usage can not only benefit the environment and the future generations, but it can also decrease your water bills significantly.

Faucets Off

If you are brushing your teeth, soaping your body or cleaning your dishes, always turn off the water faucet. This just causes water to go to waste and intact increases your water consumption rate. It may seem like a very simple and minute thing, but it can lead to great water savings and greatly reduced bills. The average use of faucet water in residential homes is almost 20% in the US.

Shower over Baths

It is reported that bath water consumes more water than a shower. It takes longer to take a bath as well. Many people fill up their bathtubs with water and have a relaxing bath but then have a shower as well to end their routine. Try to have quick showers and limit your time in the washroom.

Buckets over Showers

Well, if showers are more money saving than baths, then investing in a large bucket for showering purposes is even better. If you want to further decrease your water usage, then stop using showerheads and instead, clean yourself with a few handfuls of bucket water.


Use your dishwasher efficiently. Always run the dishwasher if it is full and loaded to go for a deep cleaning. Don’t rinse your dishes before putting them in your dishwasher. Just scrape off the food gunk from the dishes and place them strategically so that more dishes can be washed. Check the economy setting of your dishwasher and see if you are using your dishwasher is the most sot0-effective way.

Fix Plumbing Leaks

Why would you want to pay large water bills for the water you have not even used? Always check your water lines and pipes to see if there are any pipe leaks. Faulty pipes can cause water to leak out and go to waste and this just increases you water bill unnecessarily. Get your leaks repaired by a plumber and save some coins on water bills.

Always be on the lookout any leaks and contact a plumbing repair service to get your faulty pipes fixed. Call the best plumbing service in Palm Beach County today.

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